Linda Watson

Operations Administrator

About Linda

What do you do at MPIC?

Currently, I am working as the Operations Administrator in Production at Parchman. Acting as a liaison, my daily routine involves working with Sales, Production Management, Plant Management, Vendors, and Customers as well as the Security and Staff of the MS Department of Corrections. The main goal is seeing that the essential products and services are provided and issues are resolved so production can continue on a timely basis.

What are your credentials/education/past experience, for working in your position?

For over 20 years I have worked in various areas of Management with different Corporations. My BFA is from the University of Mississippi. Two areas in particular have given me unique on the job experience that has helped in my current position.

I have worked with two farm equipment dealerships in the Delta. There, I worked with mechanics, welders, inventory sales clerks as well as the delivery truckers and long haulers. Customer service and on time deliveries and meeting the needs of the consumer were essential to the vitality of the Corporations. I had a chance to see how production flow was managed and worked under several successful Administrators/owners. That experience and knowledge helps tremendously with my work here the Metal Fab division at Parchman.

Security is another field that I had the chance to work in from separate aspects. I’ve had the responsibility of hiring, scheduling and staffing security forces of up to 120 members with round the clock services for 2 firms. This included making sure that training, equipment needs and staffing needs were met and maintained. One corporation had an Alarm division where we designed, installed, maintained and linked home/office security alarms systems. Then I have worked with the Security staff of Department of Corrections by working at MPIC.

What is something people in your industry have to deal with that you want to fix?

With budget constraints, it is often difficult for people to find quality, long lasting products at an affordable price. MPIC Metal Fab workers hand make each product we produce. These products are made from USA steel and are of a heavier gauge than most of the existing products on the market. Our quality products can be ordered based on the customer needs and budgets.

What do you like about working at MPIC?

My job at MPIC allows me to work with some talented craftsmen that most of society has forgotten about. The skills of the inmate worker do not cease to exist upon his incarceration. However, without a work program like MPIC, those skills would not be maintained and honed. These men, some of whom will not have the chance to leave, are brought together from all walks of life. They learn to work side by side in a work environment that is operated like a “free world” company. Knowledge is freely shared and unskilled workers who choose to learn a craft can. The workers find that they are valued, not only as workers making products, but as individuals.

I am allowed daily to see what a difference a work program makes in a life. These workers are given hope. Hope comes in knowing that their work is valued and that they are appreciated as workers. Hope comes in knowing that one day, if they meet release, they will have a skill that will allow them to become productive citizens in our society. Even when an inmate workers knows that release is not coming for him, hope comes from having a purpose and realizing their own work has made a difference in the life of another. That worker can encourage, counsel, train and mentor the younger men coming through here. Everyone needs hope and validation regardless of their station in life.

My work allows me the opportunity to witness the changes in lives and to encourage those leaving to change their life pattern so as not to return. It allows me, in some small way every day, to feel like what I have done that day has mattered in the life of another human being.

What’s your background?

I was born and raised on a farm outside a small Delta town. I still live on part of the original family farm. My closest neighbor is over a mile away. I don’t live more than 5 miles from the State Penitentiary. I had classmates whose parents worked at the prison. As an only child, I grew up around adults. I worked on the farm driving tractors and working with the cattle from the age of 7. Every spare moment after school, on weekends and every summer was spent working with my Daddy on the farm.

Favorite quote:

“I took the road less traveled by and that has made all the difference.” From: “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

What are the values that drive you?

Values that were demonstrated to me from an early age were as follows:

Faith in God; hard work; your word is your honor; truth; doing what you know is right; putting other people first; pride/belief in Country; fairness; appreciation and mostly - no one owes you anything – you earn your way.

I still believe in those principles and do my best to live by them daily.

What are your favorite Podcasts/Books?

I started researching powder coat techniques and systems and found that those videos were not only informative, but were truly fascinating. I have read blogs and asked advice of some of the people posting from Australia and Bavaria. It is interesting to see how small the world really is. Recently, I’ve been researching various plasma cutters and have watched several instructional videos on a couple of those brands. Several of the paint products that we use have instructional videos as well. I’ve picked up some tips that I’ve shared with the inmate workers. Lately, I’ve been researching various wood projects to offer through our Carpenter Shop.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

Well, besides playing with my Westie, I love to travel and explore areas that are new to me. I enjoy going to small towns just to see what kind of unique shops/businesses that may be there such as antique stores and auctions. I really love pottery factories that let you tour their facility. We have McCarty’s and Peter’s Pottery in a small town near where I live.

If an area has museums, I will do my best to visit those when I am in the area. I love live theater and enjoy helping with community theaters and volunteering to direct the Senior Plays at a local High School.

One of the main connections that I had with my Mother was cooking. She compiled her cookbook and sold over 500 copies of it. She had started her second cookbook prior to her death. I am working on finishing that for her.

Believe it or not, I went to my first Dirt Track Race a couple of years ago. I really enjoyed going and have gone to several races since then. There is still one track in the Delta that is active.