Bill M. Heath
Delivery Driver
About Bill
What do you do at MPIC?
I am a delivery driver.
What are your credentials/education/experience for working in your position?
High-school, some college, job training/technical courses
What is something people in your industry must deal with that you want to fix?
I wish I could change some of the misconceptions and stereotypes that surround MPIC and the prison industry as a whole.
What do you like about working at MPIC?
I enjoy the people I work with as well as my job duties.
What’s your background?
I grew up in Pearl, MS. I lived in a typical middle-class home. I retired from AT&T after working there for 39 years. And I love Italian food.
Favorite Quote:
“If you want to be lifted, lift someone else.”-Booker T. Washington
What are the values that drive you?
I believe in the Golden Rule, in honesty and integrity and doing tasks, no matter how small, to the best of my ability.
Your top favorite Podcasts/Books?
The Stand by Stephen King and Anything by Tom Clancy
What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
Motorcyle Trips, Fishing, Cooking, Crossword puzzles